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鏞記賀年糕 Yung Kee's Chinese New Year Cake
有營豐味蘿蔔糕Signature Turnip Cake
採用有機認證蘿蔔,配合精選泰國蝦米及自家粵海風味臘味製造,芳香味濃,絕不加添防腐劑,天然健康。 (900克)Certified organic turnips mixing with Thai dried shrimps and Yung Kee signature cured food, gave the Yung Kee Turnip Cake an incredible aroma and delightful taste. It is natural and healthy product without preservatives. (900g)$328.00有營賀年椰汁年糕 Signature Coconut Rice Cake
秉承以真材實料奉客的宗旨,自家製賀年椰汁年糕加入有機甘蔗糖及有機椰奶等健康食材,入口軟糯香甜、椰香芬馥、口感軟滑煙韌不黏牙,吃得有「營」,是賀年自用及送禮首選。(900克)Selecting finest ingredients is always Yung Kee’s promise! Our homemade Organic Coconut Rice Cake is made with premium cane sugar, organic coconut milk and no preservatives added. It is definitely your best choice of festive food for the Lunar New Year. (900g)$268.00